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Explore our rehab in Thailand…

The Better Life Place

Secluded and luxurious villas at The Better Life Place Rehab in Thailand.
Giving support and care at The Better Life Place Rehab in Thailand.

Our Mission

The Better Life Place Rehab Thailand and counselling retreat was founded upon the idea that individuals seeking help for mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD and addiction counselling need bespoke programmes centred around the unique life experiences, personal factors and recovery requirements of each person. In a peaceful and safe environment ideal for self-reflection and recovery therapy, The Better Life Place Rehab Thailand was formed in 2021 with this idea in mind, dedicated to ensuring our clients receive the most time spent in one-on-one counselling with a weekly programme, designed through consultation with our Resident Therapist to address your unique needs and goals.

Unlike many other residential counselling retreats, The Better Life Place Rehab Thailand accepts just 1-3 clients at a time, ensuring privacy and the maximum time spent engaging in productive individual counselling.

People embracing at The Better Life Place Rehab in Thailand.


At The Better Life Place Rehab Thailand our commitment to the sustained wellbeing of our clients extends beyond the time spent in your recovery counselling programme at our centre. For this we offer a period of aftercare in the form of online sessions with our Resident Therapist, so you know that even after you leave our site your ongoing recovery is our core focus.

Reach Us Anytime

We understand that seeking support in your recovery can be difficult, that is why we are here to listen and guide you in understanding how our recovery counselling programme can help. If you have any questions and would like to know more about The Better Life recovery programme, please do not hesitate to get in touch, or contact us at any time for a free consultation with our Resident Therapist.

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